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Magnetic Therapy could bring lasting relief for Anxiety

Gentle Magnetic Waves are used to Stimulate the Unused or Blocked Pathways in the Brain

Woman with anxiety sitting on a couch


MeRT is a fresh approach to Anxiety treatment.

If anxiety is interfering with your daily life and traditional treatments haven’t provided relief, there’s another option. MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is a personalized, non-invasive, and drug-free treatment that has helped many people struggling with anxiety feel more at ease.

MeRT works by identifying and targeting irregular brainwave activity to promote better balance and function. It has been especially beneficial for those who haven’t responded well to medication or who experience unwanted side effects from traditional treatments. Many patients report feeling calmer, more focused, and better able to manage stress after undergoing MeRT.

If anxiety has been holding you back, there is hope—MeRT may be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

Contact our New Patient Coordinator for more info

Or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. 


What is an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders go beyond everyday worries—they involve persistent and overwhelming feelings of fear, panic, or unease that can interfere with daily life.

These disorders can show up in different ways, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Phobias such as agoraphobia

Some people also experience anxiety as a result of a medical condition.

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common types, characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life, including work, health, and relationships. This anxiety can feel constant, making it difficult to focus, relax, or enjoy daily activities.

While the exact cause of anxiety disorders remains unclear, research suggests a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors can play a role.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, multiple areas of the brain, as well as biological processes related to fear and stress responses, are involved.

Additionally, factors such as childhood trauma, chronic stress, and a family history of anxiety or other mental health conditions may increase the risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

“I just finished six weeks of their specialized form of TMS treatment, and it is life-changing. If your anxiety or depression has been resistant to medications, therapy, or other forms of treatment, I highly recommend the Brain Treatment Center.”
MeRT Patient


What are the signs and symptoms of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders can present in different ways, with symptoms varying depending on the type of disorder.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People with GAD often experience persistent, excessive worry that can interfere with daily life. Common symptoms include:

  • Feeling constantly on edge, restless, or unable to relax
  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling like their mind is going blank
  • Fatigue, even without exertion
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Irritability and heightened emotional sensitivity
  • Difficulty managing anxious thoughts
  • Unexplained physical discomfort, such as headaches, muscle tension, or digestive issues


Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is characterized by sudden, intense episodes of fear, known as panic attacks. These attacks can occur unexpectedly and include symptoms such as:

  • A racing or pounding heart
  • Sweating or chills
  • Shortness of breath or a choking sensation
  • A feeling of impending doom or loss of control
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Trembling, tingling, or numbness


person wringing hands due to anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety goes beyond simple shyness—it involves a deep fear of being judged or scrutinized in social situations. People with social anxiety may experience:

  • A rapid heartbeat or difficulty breathing in social settings
  • Blushing, trembling, or feeling physically tense
  • Upset stomach or nausea before or during social interactions
  • Speaking in an overly soft voice or avoiding speaking altogether
  • Difficulty making eye contact or engaging in conversation
  • Extreme self-consciousness, especially around unfamiliar people

If your anxiety symptoms persist and traditional treatments haven’t provided relief, don’t lose hope. MeRT offers a groundbreaking approach to anxiety treatment, helping many find lasting relief when other methods haven’t worked.

Man receiving anxiety treatment with MeRT

What is Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy?

Here's how MeRT Anxiety treatment works.

The Brain Treatment Center in Marshall offers MeRT to help patients experiencing Anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and more.

MeRT, guided by advanced brain imaging, uses a magnetic coil to gently stimulate and rebalance brain function.

The process begins with a quantitative EEG (qEEG) to identify areas of brain dysregulation. This test provides a detailed view of the brain’s wave patterns and overall function. 

Then, based on this analysis, our doctors and scientists develop a precise neural synchronization protocol for each patient. The goal is to enhance communication within the brain, which can lead to significant clinical improvements.

After the qEEG and analysis, we then perform Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS works by using magnetic fields, delivered through an electromagnetic coil, to modulate brain activity. 

However, MeRT takes TMS technology a step further by customizing the treatment to each patient’s unique condition, diagnostic findings, and qEEG results. This includes tailoring the frequency, location, and power of the stimulation for optimal results.

Most treatment plans last between 4 and 8 weeks, with daily appointments from Monday to Friday lasting about 30 minutes. Many patients notice positive changes within the first week. 

For a more detailed explanation of the MeRT process, visit our “What is MeRT?” page.


What are your next steps?

To find out if MeRT is the right choice for you or your child, contact our New Patient Coordinator. She can provide detailed information about the treatment, protocols, costs, and payment options.

If you decide to proceed, we will schedule your initial two appointments. The first is for a non-invasive brain scan, and the second is a consultation with the doctor to discuss the scan results and potential benefits of treatment. 


Initial Testing

For the qEEG (brain scan), we fit a cap on your head to record the brain’s electrical activity and identify any areas with irregular function. For the EKG, we place an electrode on your chest to capture the heart’s electrical signals and assess the coherence between the brain and heart.



Following the qEEG/EKG will be a consultation with our doctor, either in person or virtually. During this meeting, we will review your test results, explain the treatment protocols, address any questions you might have, and discuss the potential benefits of treatment.



If you move forward with treatment, the first week of MeRT will entail 45 minutes each day for five days, Monday through Friday. The second week of treatment will last for four days, Monday through Thursday, followed by new testing on Friday.



Most courses of treatment with MeRT last about six weeks, with a new brain scan every two weeks to assess progress and customize treatment for the best results. Tailored treatment protocols help make MeRT even more effective than rTMS.


Of all my injuries, by far the worst were the ones you could not see. I had degraded to the point of not being able to leave my home because of panic attacks and severe anxiety. I could not hide from this feeling, and no mediation could numb it. At one point, I told my doctor I couldn’t kill myself because I have a family with young children that I am responsible for. I was living in despair and physical pain every day without reprieve, that is until I was able to get treatment. I underwent neural restorative therapy [MeRT] for two months with total symptom resolution. Now I can function again at work, and can spend much needed time with my family. I have my sense of well-being back and a clarity of thought I haven’t had in many years.”

For anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, and other symptoms, I highly recommend trying MeRT at the Brain Treatment Center. My adult son who has suffered from both problems his entire life, and has been on medication, realized a positive change after the first visit. We saw dramatic improvement after each visit. This technology is truly a magic bullet for the right candidate. The staff is professional and friendly. The facilities are equally professional. I would highly recommend The BTC to anyone that can afford the treatments."

My experience was life changing. I struggled through years of sleeplessness, constant worry, and struggle with everyday life. Halfway through my first treatment plan, my spirit was revived. My loved ones, acquaintances, and people I met started to comment on my positivity and overall demeanor. I went from losing hope, to cherishing every moment. I would urge anyone who is struggling with head injury, depression, PTSD, or any type of psychological struggle(s) to pick up the phone and inquire. Your best days are still to come."

It was absolutely terrifying to not know what was wrong with me or how to fix the problem. MeRT not only identified the deteriorated state of my brainwave activity, they restored its function… I consider the healing I experienced to be nothing short of a miracle.”


MeRT explained in this mini documentary

MeRT, or Magnetic EEG-Guided Resonance Therapy is an advanced form of rTMS that is highly customized for each person. 

This innovative therapy improves brain function and communication. It uses FDA-cleared TMS equipment, approved for treating Major Depressive Disorder and OCD, and applies it off-label to address many other conditions, such as Anxiety Disorders.

The process begins with a proprietary brain wave analysis that identifies specific areas of the brain that are not functioning or communicating as they should. With this precise information, our physicians and scientists then develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to restore healthy brain communication. The therapy gently stimulates these targeted brain regions, which can lead to improved overall function.

What sets MeRT apart is that it is completely non-invasive, non-surgical, and drug-free, offering a safe and gentle option for treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions

While our New Patient Coordinator is happy to answer your questions and explain things, here are some of the most commonly asked questions and their answers.

How does MeRT address brain-related conditions?

MeRT employs a specialized brain wave analysis to pinpoint the precise regions in the brain that may be underperforming or not communicating effectively. Using these insights, our physicians craft a customized treatment plan aimed at enhancing healthy brain interactions. By gently stimulating these targeted areas, MeRT aims to improve overall brain function.

What types of conditions can be treated with MeRT?

MeRT therapy is versatile in its application and can be used to address a wide range of conditions, including: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Major Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Concussions, Cognitive Enhancement, Memory Impairment and Dementia, Post-COVID-19 Recovery, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s Disease, Rehabilitation After Stroke, and Persistent Insomnia.

How Does MeRT Differ from Traditional TMS?

While traditional TMS usually targets a single area of the brain at a fixed frequency, MeRT takes a more advanced approach. MeRT customizes the treatment by utilizing detailed diagnostics and brain imaging, allowing for a personalized protocol. This customization involves adjusting the treatment location, frequency, duration, and magnetic power to suit the individual needs of each patient.

What Evidence Backs the Use of MeRT for Brain Treatment?

MeRT is a cutting-edge, precision-based therapy supported by extensive third-party research featured in leading scientific journals. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of MeRT across a range of conditions, and research continues to expand. To explore peer-reviewed studies on EEGs, rTMS, and MeRT, please visit our research page.

How much time do MeRT treatments take?

Daily treatments usually take about 30 to 45 minutes, with the magnetic stimulation occurring for six to eight seconds every minute. Treatment period are usually 4 to 8 weeks to achieve optimal success and longevity from MeRT. 6 weeks is the most common. It’s important to note that results are based on strict compliance with our treatment regimens. Results may vary based on the individual patient and are not guaranteed.

Are There Any Side Effects Linked to MeRT?

Based on data from thousands of patients, side effects associated with MeRT are rare and typically mild. The most commonly noted side effect is a slight tension headache at the site of stimulation, usually lasting 1-2 hours, and it can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relief. Other potential side effects may include hyperactivity, increased agitation, or feelings of euphoria. Although there is a risk of seizures with any brain stimulation therapy, this risk is very low with MeRT℠. We take additional precautions by limiting the stimulation intensity to further minimize the chance of seizure activity.

What benefits have been experienced from MeRT?

MeRT treatment primarily focuses on enhancing functional recovery. Although results vary from person to person, some commonly reported benefits include: Enhanced sleep quality, Longer sleep duration, Reduced stress levels, Alleviation of pain, Improved concentration and focus,, Stabilized mood and emotional well-being Greater attention span, Increased social engagement, Boosted motivation, Sharper mental clarity, Reduced cravings (such as for drugs or alcohol), Better memory retention, Greater adaptability to change, Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem.
New Patient Coordinator talking on the phone about MeRT.

Talk with our New Patient Coordinator

We have seen some incredible results with MeRT for Anxiety Treatment. Yet we know you may feel frustrated or uncertain about the best course of treatment. That’s why we want to provide you with as much information as you would like about MeRT. 

MeRT has helped many restore or improve their brain function and reclaim their lives. We want to help you make an educated decision about whether MeRT is right for you or your loved one.

Our New Patient Coordinator can answer any questions you have and explain costs and protocols. She can also help schedule testing and a consultation with the doctor if you would like to explore further.

Insurance Coverage

Currently, rTMS (the treatment used in the MeRT process) is FDA-cleared to treat Depression and OCD. If you think you may be able to file for reimbursement from insurance, we can provide you with the documentation you will need to do so. Please note that neither Medicare nor Medicaid provide any coverage for MeRT or TMS treatment.

Call our New Patient Coordinator